Insights of Pakistan, Iran and the Caucasus Studies (IPICS)

Aim & Scope

Insights of Pakistan, Iran and the Caucasus Studies (IPICS) is a double-blind peer-reviewed multidisciplinary open-access academic journal published monthly in Islamabad (Pakistan). Nature of its publication is bilingual, and it facilitates both English and Urdu readers globally. The major site of research concerns with the Pakistan, Iran and the contemporary Caucasus – the independent states of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, and the North Caucasian republics and regions within the Russian Federation. Journal also covers, but are not confined to:

  • The Kashmir Dispute
  • Badakhshan region or Badakhshan/Pamir Mountain range
  • Foreign relations between Pakistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Russia
  • Afghan political crisis and its impacts on Pakistan and Iran
  • Political Economy of Caspian Sea
  • Socio-cultural ties among Turkic communities in Iran, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Karakalpakstan Autonomous Region of Uzbekistan and other Central Asian Republics
  • The de facto entities of Abkhazia and South Ossetia
  • The Nagorno Karabakh Conflict
  • The Autonomous Republic of Kalmykia
  • Other countries or regions, economically, culturally, geographically and/or politically associated with Pakistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Russia
  • Russia-Ukraine Conflict; especially focusing upon the Political Economy of Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk
  • Issues relating to the Cossacks, the Meskhetian Turks, Nogais and Caucasian diasporas in Turkey, the Middle East and the Euro-Atlantic space.
  • Chinese Interests (especially within the context of Belt and Road Initiative) towards Pakistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Russia

IPICS aims to advance an area studies tradition in the humanities and social sciences about and from the Pakistan, Iran and the Caucasus, connecting this tradition with core disciplinary concerns in the fields of modern history, political science, anthropology, cultural and religious studies, political economy, human geography, conflict and peace studies, and sociology. Research covering Pakistan, Iran and the Caucasus related dimensions of South Asian, Central Asian, Middle Eastern and European politics, society, culture and history also fall within the remit of the journal IPICS publishes original research articles, review articles, policy discussions on strategic issues, interviews, biographical sketches, memoirs, archive documents, research notes, recent fieldwork narratives and book reviews.

Further Sections:

  • Constitutional and Legislative Studies in Pakistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Russia;
  • Economic Development, Economic and Financial Institutions, Corporate Finance, Consumer Finance, Financial Markets, Markets Complexities, Social Markets, Regional and/or International Trade, Foreign Direct Investment(s), and Micro/Macro Economic Strategies in Pakistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Russia;
  • Education systems and different issues (such as, School Engagement, Drop Out Ratio, etc.) within the educational spheres in Pakistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Russia;
  • Ethno-National, Progressive and/or Reformist Movements in the Pakistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Russia;
  • Formal and Informal Judicial/Legal System(s) in Pakistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Russia;
  • Foreign Policy of Pakistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Russia;
  • Gender Studies including women empowerment in Pakistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Russia;
  • Geopolitics of South Asia, Middle East, Eurasia, Central Asia and the Caucasus within the context of Pakistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Russia;
  • History and Historiography related to Pakistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Russia;
  • Ideologies and Philosophies emerged or emerging in the Pakistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Russia;
  • Interaction of Civilizations and Cultures in the Pakistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Russia;
  • Literature in Pakistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Russia;
  • Logistics and Transportation in Pakistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Russia;
  • Policies of International Organizations related to the Pakistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Russia;
  • Policy of the Major States and other countries related to the Pakistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Russia;
  • Political, Socio-Economic and other processes in the Pakistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Russia;
  • Public Administration, Public Policy Mechanisms, Human Resource Management, Human Resource Development, Bureaucratic Studies and distinct tools of Governance in Pakistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Russia;
  • Religions and interfaith relations in the Pakistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Russia;
  • Social statistics (such as, economic statistics, demographics statistics, price statistics, urban/rural statistics, developmental statistics, innovative statistics, tourism statistics, etc.) and other Quantitative Studies through statistical means in Pakistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Russia;


Insights of Pakistan, Iran and the Caucasus Studies (IPICS) is a double-blind peer reviewed academic journal published monthly in English and Urdu. The journal welcomes original contributions from various academic fields reflecting the cultural, economic, ethnic, ideological, linguistic, literary, philosophical, political, social, religious and/or reformist developments within the addresses area(s) in its multiple forms and from multiple perspectives.

IPICS covers a wide range of theoretical and practical issues related to Pakistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Russia. Therefore, the journal receives and publishes research studies (both theoretical and empirical), academic articles, essays and books’ reviews.

IPICS also provides a forum for sharing personal experiences within the context of analysing economic, socio-political, ethnic, religious or other developments elaborated in a form of an autobiographical essay, poetry and/or travelogue. By combining academic and personal approaches for presenting personal experiences, the journal aims at providing an exceptional interdisciplinary platform for constructive dialogue between a variety of viewpoints, approaches, and methodologies in the IPICS’ addressed area(s).

The third area of the IPICS focus is to highlight how and why the region — covering Pakistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Russia – is highlighting as a significant geopolitical entity at world map; and how this region can play a role in ensuring or promoting inter-faith harmony, multiculturalism, and 3Ps (Peace, Progress and Prosperity).

IPICS is published by the “Rehmat and Maryam Researches” Registered by Security and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) monthly and bilingually (English and Urdu), having an aim to avail HEC recognized status. It is housed on the